
The Patent Drawing Services


Points To Remember About Patent Illustration

A patent application with the best of the drawings will be a best one for the explanation of the invention. Good draftsman makes accurate formal drawings which in turn make the strong and best patent. To fully understand a patent, drawings play a key role. Well prepared drawings expand the understanding of the patent, that is also a legislative requirement put down by many patent office across the globe. Particularly, patents in technical fields like Mechanical, Life Sciences, Bio-Medical devices etc., you may not be able to understand the invention without the help of accurately drafted formal patent illustrations. Patent drawings are administered by guidelines specific to the Patent Office which permit the patent illustrations to be later printed in the issued patent. Often, replicas of conventional engineering drawings or simply rough sketches can be used for the preparation and initial filing of a provisional patent application. Although, ultimately, formal drawings should be submitted for design and utility patent applications in order to meet the Patent Office requirements. A patent drawing is an essential part of your invention and supports in the understanding of an invention, which is why it’s a good idea to invest in specialized patent drawing services when drafting your application. A patent drawing is important because an invention needs to be described with as much detail and specificity as possible. This approach can facilitate guarantee your invention is well distinguishable from previous inventions.

Understand the Invention with creator perspective: a decent patent drawing service supplier can have made expertise to grasp the invention and therefore the same ensuing into no workplace action from authority saving ton of your time and disruptions.

 Help You Achieve the Best Disclosure PossibleIt is useful to have a drawing that a reader can reference while reading your description. Patent drawings are an opportunity to showcase the entirety of an invention. Several drawings may show various views or an exploded view, where the various parts of the invention are suspended in place.

  • Patent Drawings Need to Be in a Particular Form: Your patent drawings must meet explicit requirements about the size of the sheet on which the drawing is made, the margins, the type of paper and more. The Patent Office has many rules regarding the drawing, so you need to make sure to work with an experienced patent illustration company when commissioning your drawing.
  • Your Patent Claim Needs to Have Patent Drawings at the Time of Filing:While it is technically possible to file a non-provisional patent application without drawings, this is not suggested. This is because after filing, you will not be able to add new matter to the patent application. Since patent illustrations are expressive, it’s nearly impossible to determine if adding an illustration to a claim establishes adding new matter. It’s better to be safe than regretful.

Further to above points there some Do’s and Don’ts one has to remember while preparing patent illustrations:


  • Illustrations should be in Black and White only.
  • Comply with patent standards including margins.
  • Inclusion of enough views to make invention clear.
  • Show all features of invention
  • Flowchart symbol should be in a standard format.
  • Proper explanations of all the figures; Various embodiments can also be specified
  • Each and every part should be in perfect finishing. (e.g no joints/no dislocations)
  • Include proper shading for design drawings and hatching for utility drawings
  • Consecutive figure numbers. (Fig1,Fig2)
  • Numeral letters size should be in at least 0.32cm in size.


  • Color drawings, color photographs and free hand sketches are not at all allowed
  • Margins should not be visible in drawings.
  • Inclusions of text/descriptive matters in figures (except flowcharts/blocked diagrams, tables) are restricted.
  • Avoid mentioning of dimensions
  • Adding any new matter after filing is objected.

One must be Aware that there is a huge difference between a design and utility patent, understand that a design patent may not give you the protection desired. A dodgy invention promotion company may misguide you in this way. The Patent Drawing Services has a long history of providing trademark illustration services and patent illustration services to our clients. Our in-house drafting team offers a sense for aesthetics, cautious attention to detail, and legal and technical expertise when creating illustrations. Our drawings capture and represent the most subtle details of your intent. We serve our clients across globe with our Patent Support Services, Call us +1 215-948-5221 to learn more about our services or just drop an email to info@thepatentdrawing.com to learn more about our services.